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Proactive Technologies Report – January, 2023

Standardizing “Best Practices” by Dean Prigelmeier, President of Proactive Technologies, Inc. When it comes to the term “best practices” for process-driven tasks, there seems a wide range of understanding of the concept; some better than others. According to Wikipedia, “A

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Proactive Technologies Report – December, 2022

Is it Possible to Close the “Skills Gap” if Focused on the Symptom, Not the Cause? by Dean Prigelmeier, President of Proactive Technologies, Inc. There is nothing like the futility of trying to solve a specific problem with a general

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Proactive Technologies Report – November, 2022

Replicating Your Best Performers by Dean Prigelmeier, President of Proactive Technologies, Inc. One project I was involved with sought to establish a structured on-the-job training program for a “CNC Operator” position and establish an apprenticeship. It consisted of around 40

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Proactive Technologies Report – October, 2022

Nine Scenarios That Would Make You Wish You Had a Structured OJT System by Dean Prigelmeier, President of Proactive Technologies, Inc. I think one can confidently say that most employer’s focus on training the workers they need – to perform

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Proactive Technologies Report – September, 2022

Who is Responsible for Decisions Regarding Training? by Dean Prigelmeier, President of Proactive Technologies, Inc. We sometimes run into a conundrum when promoting the concept of structured on-the-job training: finding who is responsible and accountable for the decision to provide

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Proactive Technologies Report – August, 2022

Piece-Part Incentives Gone Wrong by Dean Prigelmeier, President of Proactive Technologies, Inc. Sometimes we are tempted to take the easy route, even though it may cost more in the end, offer much less on the path to the desired outcome

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Proactive Technologies Report – July, 2022

Is It Possible to Improve Worker Performance Without Documented Task Mastery? by Dean Prigelmeier, President of Proactive Technologies, Inc. W. Edwards Deming said, “We are being ruined by the best efforts of people who are doing the wrong thing.” The inefficiencies,

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Proactive Technologies Report – June, 2022

Appreciating the Value of Labor by Dean Prigelmeier, President of Proactive Technologies, Inc. For expanding and improving businesses that have the capital for the investment in new equipment or processes, attempting to become or remain competitive, the level of investment

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Proactive Technologies Report – May, 2022

Tips for Establishing Your Company’s Training Strategy – Practical, Measurable, Extremely Economical and Scalable by Dean Prigelmeier, President of Proactive Technologies, Inc. For most companies, an in-house training center doesn’t have to be brick and mortar, and doesn’t necessarily require

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Proactive Technologies Report – April, 2022

Economic Development Opportunities – An Important Incentive in Attracting Companies to Your Region by Dean Prigelmeier, President of Proactive Technologies, Inc. According to Ed Timmons, CEO of the National Association of Manufacturers, “our labor costs in the U.S. are still

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